
018: The Return of the Hero – The Heroic Journey – Part 3
Today we are discussing the final stages of the Hero’s Journey and illustrating each stage with examples from popular films like Star Wars, Harry Potter,

017: The Road of Trials: Exploring the Hero’s Journey – Part 2
In this episode, we continue exploring the Hero’s Journey in Part Two, focusing on the Initiation or Road of Trials. Using examples from popular stories

Teaching the Greek Creation Myth – Are We Destined to Repeat the Mistakes of the Past?
The Greek creation myth in many ways is similar to other creation stories – it explains the creation of the earth, plants, animals, and humans. But in many other ways, the Greek creation story is a lesson to us of all the mistakes we don’t want to make.

5 Quick Tips for Teaching Mythology
Teaching Mythology can feel overwhelming when you first start, but here are 5 quick tips to help you get started with teaching mythology.

Our Own Heroic Journey
One of the greatest honors I have had in my career was being asked to speak at a graduation ceremony. What makes this event even
Teaching Mythology Episode 001: Trailer
This is it! This is my first podcast episode. Well, it isn’t really an episode, more like a wave hello! Stay tuned, every two weeks

4 Resources for Teaching Mythology You Might Not Know About
These four resources will add interest and engaging content to your curriculum that students will love and it will make your life easier.

What is Mythology? How to do a Collaborative Vocabulary Activity in 6 Steps
Engage students in deep learning of new vocabulary and concepts by using this collaborative activity. In 6 steps you have a full lesson plan, student discussion, and understanding of new concepts.

The Why and the How of Using Podcasts in Class
Using podcasts in class engages students, helps them practice literacy and listening skills, and bring experts into your English class. With practical ideas you’ll know how to incorporate podcasts in class.

Problems in Greek Mythology and the Me Too Movement
You probably don’t pair Greek Mythology and the #MeToo movement, but in the last year I can’t help but connect the two every time I read certain myths.

The Real Myth of Medusa
Ah, Medusa! One of my favorite Greek Myths. She is feared. And she is misunderstood. But very few people understand the truth behind the myth